Stores all the blueprints
Alphanumeric and underscore regex, used to constrain the Name of new generated module.
String to be replaced when build the blueprint, in any file or directory name, or withing the file content.
Search for all the blueprint in the 'rootPath' and add them to the genreratorsRegistry
Builds a new directory structure based on the selected blueprint with 'blueprintName'.
When building de directory structure of the blueprint is copied from the blueprint to the 'destPath'. All Directories, file Names and string occurrences matching the string 'name' are replaced by the string 'moduleName'
a list of the files generated
Returns an array containing all the names of the available blueprints.
Search for all the blueprints in a given 'rootPath'. A blueprint is any subdirectory of rootPaht containing another subdirectory named "name". The search is not recursive the blueprint needs to be a direct subdirectory of rootPath.
rootPath +── blueprint1 | └── name | +── nameController.js | +── nameController.js | └── nameTemplate.html └── blueprint2 └── name +── nameController.js +── nameController.js └── nameTemplate.html
Returns the regexp used to constrain the allowed module names
Gets a blueprint path and return the path required for the new generated file/directory
Generated using TypeDoc
Builds scaffolding files and directories copying from a Blueprint src directory.